

Hi guys. We've been busy but new stuff's coming soon. Big surprise for y'all. Rock on!



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Marcella Rockafella (Marcel Kaupp) from Germany is a guy who dressed up like Lady Gaga and became famous through that. He also attended on Germany's "Supertalent".

Jeff: How comes a boy to the idea to dress up like the world famous Lady GaGa?
Marcella: Laughs It was just a joke actually.. On Carnival I used to dress up as Lady Gaga and lots of people came to me and were like „Oh you look amazing! Could you sing? Try to reconcile this!“ That’s how I became the male, german Lady Gaga-impersonator!
Jeff: And why have you decided then to go to Germany's 'Supertalent'?
Marcella: After I’ve seen that show I said to myself that that couldn’t be that hard to become the next supertalent. Then there was the casting, the live show and transmission and everything was alright! But now I can do what I feel and what I wanna do.
Jeff: How successful are you after the show and what are you up to now? Do yo have any special plans for the future?
copyright by rtl.de
Marcella: What I am right now, is what I work. There aren’t that much crossdresser who are singing and make party like I do, unfortunately is sometimes the acceptance missing. As far as I am Marcella I can say that the crowd reacts very cool. People dance and rock with me and anyone cares that this is a man in a drag. The entertainment factor is what counts. Of course there are some dirty rumors and you get criticism but that’s cool with me. I am just myself as Marcella! I just released my first single „Forbidden Games“ on iTunes, Musicload and other sites. It’s a pure party song.. it’s like „Just dance freaks!“ I love it. I love how people love my music, I can see how they get off their stress they have all the time and yeah… it’s just about to dance and feel better. That’s my job.. haha.
Jeff: If you meet Lady GaGa in real, what would you say?
Marcella: Gosh, I guess I would die! Haha..ok well I wouldn’t tell her things like „thanks for your music“ and stuff, I would like to say „Honey, let’s go tot he bar.. let’s drink some Johnnie Walker and If we are drunk enough I would talkt o her about things.. Umm I can’t write down here. Haha! Oh and I met P!nk three years ago and we drank some Tequilas, we totally had a blast! And I talked to her like I do talk to my friends. So we are all regular people and nobody is a special one!
copyright by martina-leymann.de
Jeff: Describe you as Marcella Rockafella in just 5 words.
Marcella: Hot girl with (almost) nothing on!
Jeff: When you are on stage with your sexy GaGa-outfit how do you feel then and how does fans or other people react? Do you think your job is a hard one?
Marcella: I think my job is for sure a hard one. But it offsets when I see all the lucky faces. There are loads of people who never get a chance to see Lady Gaga Live. And I give anything on stage to get them a little sense how a Lady Gaga Concert could be. I have two dancers ( I know Lady Gaga gets a few more) but we work so hard to give the people a good show and they are enjoying it. They sing along with me all the Gaga Songs and it's a feeling I just can't describe.. and I feel just an amazing happiness in my heart when I'm on stage. When I get off from stage all people come over want photos and autographs. I have got a special fan who get a shirt with "I Marcella Rockafella" on it.. that was so sweet. That proves that what you are doing is right and that makes me happy!
Jeff: When you were younger have you ever dreamt of being that what you are now?
Marcella: It was always a childhood dream to perform on stage. But I've never thought that it could be possible for me and now I'm getting a little closer to my dream and I work much harder on it to get my dream come true. I am what I am now of course . 2 years ago I never thougt I would dressed up as Lady Gaga or a girl... but it's fun and it's a role I have to play now and it’s my lifestyle. Not just for me especially for my fans. 'cause there are many boys and girls who have got problems in school, at home.. with their sexuality and other things. And I (just like Lady Gaga) show them that its okay and you have to be proud of who you are!



Check out JOHNNY MADCAP AND THE DISTRACTIONS new music video 'On The Radio' directed by Scott Gawlik.

Rate and share!
Also check out their interview with Q&A by J. Nyby!




=CAPTAIN ELVIS= from Earth heads the =VSE=

Jeff: You are in the =VSE=, what exactly ist that and what means =VSE= ?
Elvis: The =VSE= stands for the =Vector Squad Elite= It‘s a squadron of hyper active =Crewmen= whose sole duties revolve around the =Phenomenauts=.  Its similar to a normal Earth band's street team but not limited to the jobs that they do.
Jeff: Could you please introduce me your (band) members! What are you guys up to at the moment?
Elvis: Well we have Commander =Angel Nova=, Professor =Greg=, Major =Jimmy Boom=, Deck Chief =Nick Wayzer=, and Lefttenant =AR-7=The band just finished their first European tour so the current plans are the resume our stations and continue our mission from Earth's Capital.
Jeff:  What are The Phenomenauts? Not a normal band like every other band.. when were they founded?
Elvis: Not sure what you mean by "what"..they're human..most of them. haha. They formed in the glorious YEAR 2000.
Jeff:  How would you describe The Phenomenauts in only a few words? Could you imagine a life without them? In which way did they changed your life?
Elvis: WOW! Ok, this may take a while. Haha. The NAUTS are the bravest space band, this side of the galaxy. That's how I'd describe them. A life without the NAUTS is a journey through space and time alone..doomed from the start. Well they're changed my life with Science and Honor. Two things that I've always found very rooted in my existence. I didn't know there were other in this world that felt the same way. They're given me the hope and strength to continue the fight for all man kind..
Jeff: What are your main influences, biggest idols, favorite bands and why?
Elvis: Personally, my biggest influences (other than the Nauts) have always been people that do the right thing. Now what that means, I'm not sure, but still it feels right. Hahaha. Favorites bands have ranged from the Smashing Pumpkins when I was younger. To Demented Are Go, The Howlers, DEAR LIFE, Azusa, Underoath..the list really goes on. I guess the cheesiest reason why I like them is 'cause they move me. They speak to me in ways that other musicians don't. Though if I must pick a real mover..Morrissey.. 'nough said.
Jeff: How did you get your name =Humanoid Captain Elvis=?
Elvis: Hahahaha. Can I laugh a little? Hahaha. Ok, well its only =Captain Elvis=. The Commander promoted me many years ago. I was a member of the original =Vector Squad= back in 2004 and it got dis-banded shortly after. I came to =Angel= with the idea of starting the Squad up again but this time do it better. He asked me to make a formal presentation of my plans and next thing I know I was offered the job and my rank went form Cadet to =Captain=. :) The humanoid part comes mostly from close friends and family that believe in the constant change in evolution with-in the human species. We believe that there are people among us evolved/evolving into the next stages..and here I am..
Jeff: Who designed the =Phenomenaut= uniforms?
Elvis: OH! actually I don't remember her know. She's one of our old Cadets. She's been designing them for yearsAll I rememeber is she's =Crewman Kate='s sister.
Jeff: How many members are in the =VSE=?
Elvis: We have quite a few =Crewmen=, not to mention =Squad Control=.
Thank you =Captain=!




This interview did COOKIE!
Billy Bones was the vocalist from The Skulls and now he'sThe BillyBones vocalist and he also was once Kevin Preston's mentor! He is all night rocker..

Cookie: Please introduce me your band members! What are you guys up to at the moment, what’s up with The BillyBones?
Billy: Well to get this started on Drums we have Mr. Alex (Mez Man) Gomez, a cool thing about The Billy Bones is that we are all great friends ..Mez man is an awesome drummer, he was one of the original members of The US Bombs Played with the Mau Maus, and The Livingstons. On bass well we have gone thru a few, we started out with Drew Milford he actually is the one who played bass on our new up coming record. Our current bass man is Rob Blue or Mr Blue as we call him. And he brings a lot to the game and he fits right in. And on guitar well this kid Alex Mack is awesome, he is an amazing Axeman, great song writer, I love this kid,he gets it!!!! And we have also had stand in Steve Fishman who produced our record and also Young Drew whom we borrow from Fallujah -71 and very cool young band I had the pleasure of producing thier first record.( Waiting on World War Three) Great Fun, Great Record, GreT band!!!! Bad Otis Link..he has recently took on our Sax stuff not to mention he is one of the coolest artist in this town!! We call him in Mr. Anarchy of Sax, Aaron from Prima Donna did a lot of our early sax stuff he played on our 7" the one Kevin produced!!! We're Selfish..We call Aaron G.O.S. God of Sax!!!! As far as what The BillyBones are up to? We are just waiting the release of our 1st full length on Dr. Strange Records ( The Complexity of Stupidity) and a possible 7" sneak peek surprise!!! We are also gearing up for some very cool dates with The Frustrators. From there we will see where the road takes us!!!
Cookie: You hung out with the Sex Pistols, you and Dee Dee Ramone were friends, all those punk and rock’n’roll moments happened right in front of your eyes. I really wish I’d born earlier you have to tell me everything!
Billy: Well really no big deal , when the Pistols came to the USA for the 1st time of course they made it to LA and they decided to stop by the world famous Masque the LA premiere Punk Venue!!! The Skulls used to rehearse there, they stopped in on our rehearsal and later that night on Rodney Bingenhiemers Radio show they proclaimed that The Skulls were one of the best punk bands they had seen since being in the states. As far as Dee Dee Ramone goes when The Ramones 1st came to LA I saw them at The Whiskey A Go Go I manage to work my way back stage, Dee Dee and I just seem to hit it off we party together when they were in town and when they were not playing I would hang out at The Sunset Marquee, and when they pass thru LA we would get together and hangout!! That's it, he was a very cool guy!!!
Cookie: You mentored Kevin Preston from Prima Donna and played with him together in the band The Skulls, how have you met and how did you get the idea for putting The Skulls back together, aren’t you enormous proud of The Kid?
Billy: I met Kevin thru my daughter, Dani, you see they went to the same high school, Kevin found out that Dani Pops was Billy Bones, he showed up at my house asking to cover one of my songs being a huge Skulls fan that young Kev was, I told him to cover ‚em all I wasn't doing anything with em!! Next thing you know I am at a show of his then band Left Out XXX. He calls me up to do Kill Me Kill Me Kill, ( Skulls classic) and the rest is history, we got invited to do a 1977 Masque Punk reunion, The next thing you know 5 CD later 2 trips to Europe.. Kevin and I just Hit it off.. We had. great 5 year run!!!!! We have and still collaborate quite a bit, and yes I am very proud of The Kid, and I am enjoying watching him conquer The World he is a rare special talent!!!!
Cookie: Honestly, did you ever think that you would be such a kick-ass musician one day?
LtR: Bonesy, Tony Paradox , Kevin, Dirty Mac
Billy: As a Artist and Musician I have always loved the unique Frontman, Jagger, Bowie, Bolan, Ferry,Morrission Iggy etc..I love performing!! I could not wait to have my chance and I am loving every minute o fit!!
Cookie: How would you describe yourself and your music in only 5 words?
Billy: Edgeyness, controversial, Original, Fun and Cool.
Cookie: How would you define the word “success”?
Billy: Sucess is satisfying whatever ever burning desire you have in your heart!!!
Cookie: You toured Europe twice, when was this and where did you play? And do you have any plans for conquering Europe a 3rd time with The BillyBones?
Billy: We toured Europe twice with The Skulls once I 2003 and then again a few years later, we did Germany, Austria (The Arena) Belgium, Switzerland, The UK , of course I would love to bring The BillyBones to Europe!! It's most definetly in our sights.
Cookie: What are your main influences, favorite bands and biggest idols, and why?
Billy: My main influnences our Roxy Music, Bowie, T Rex , The Sex Pistols( funny enough Nevermind the Bollocks was produced by Chris Thomas who did most of the early Roxy Music stuff and Steve Jones band before The Pistols was called The Strand named after a early Roxy song " Do the Strand" I loved The Ramones The Damned X Ray Specks I like it all....
Cookie: Why do you want to record and release your own music (Be very honest)?
Billy: I got a lot to say!! I love being creative I love collaborating with my mates. Nothing more gratifying when you see your creation come to be..
Cookie: What are your songs about and do you write your own songs all alone? Could you briefly describe the music-making process?
Billy: I write a lot of topical stuff, Cuz right now there's is a whole lot of crazy shit going on in this Mad Mad World we live in!! I try to do it with a sense of humor, and again I love collaborating with young Alex Mack he has a brilliant Bizzare twisted way of looking at the world , funny enough we see things the same way!!! We actually call ourselves BoneSmack when we write together!!! We both write the lyrics together,and when we have it ready we take it to practice and Mez Man and Mr Blue bring it all together!! That's pretty much how the BillyBones roll Ha Ha!!
Cookie: Who handles your daily business activities like bookings, promotions etc?
Bad Otis Link artwork
Billy: We have mangement Committed 77..
Cookie: There are soon upcoming shows with The Frustrators, how did you get the idea for it?
Billy: Let's just say I like playing shows with friends and leave it at that !!!
Cookie: If you could tell all the next generation musicians one sentence, which sentence would that be?
Billy: Do what you Love and Love what you do!! No Compromise!!!

Thank you Billy for that depth interview! Keep rockin! xoxo
Kevin and Aaron/Prima Donna: www.myspace.com/primadonna



STANLEY THE CHICKEN works at The Frustrators (with Jason Chandler, Mike Dirnt Art Tedeschi and Terry Linehan) Buuk..
Jeff: Is there any family left?
Stanley: None of your buk buk business!
Jeff: What are you up to the whole time?
Stanley: Sit on my roost. Read the newspaper, line the floor with it. Do work when I can get it.
Jeff: Do you think the master JasonC works too much?
Stanley: "Master"? He needs to work MORE. Draw me up some chicks... BAWK!!
Jeff: Is there a special chick in your life? And how do you deal with your admirers?
Stanley: Eh buk buk buk, I keep to myself mostly.
Jeff: How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Stanley: I wouldn't.
Jeff: Have you ever eaten a chicken wrap, chicken burger, chicken wings,.. if yes: cannibal you!
Stanley: Have you ever eaten processed food? Then I've got news for you... you're an insectivore.
Jeff: I just saw photos from the Austrian Football Team jerseys..it's you on it! Did you know that?
Stanley: Hmm, looks like they owe me some money!
Stanley: Uh boy... Fans and buk buk bill collectors can get in touch with me at facebook.com/stanleythechicken or stanleyjackass@gmail.com
Thanks chicken, bet that was a lot of work picking all the letters into the computer..



Alex Mack is the guitar on The BillyBones from Los Angeles.

Jeff: How did you become the guitar on The BillyBones?
Alex: Haha, well oddly enough i was a huge Skulls fan, and tried to get the Skulls to play a show at my buddy’s house with some other local bands. I think narcoleptic youth was on board but we cancelled because of funding. Anyways, when I got a hold of Billy he told me the Skulls were done but he was putting something else together, I basically threw myself at him and gave him some weird lame resume about my music background and we ended up meeting up and getting along, I played I think 2 songs for him the next day and on my birthday at a Prima Donna show found out I was going to be the guitar player for what was then Billy Bones and The Jacks, he just said happy birthday kid your the guy.

Jeff: What exactly are you up to at the moment, any special plans like tours, new records or something?
Alex: We're currently in the mixing stage of our full length (The Complexity of Stupidity) which we're all pretty excited about. And we found out today that we're playing a couple shows with The Frustrators (with Mike Dirnt from Green Day) up in the bay area and down here at The Whiskey pretty soon. Other than that just trying to get this album finished and out to the adoring public.
Jeff: "You can't do the same things you did 30 years ago!" Kevin Preston's quote. Agree?
Alex: Fuck no! Billy's HAS been doing it for 30 years and it's just as insane, brutal, and classy. But I'm probably taking that out of context. If I am, and it's about the scene and the limitations you have today then Kev's completely right. It's too fractured and everyone is in a clique or has a bitch and an identity attached to it that it's hard to be original and honest...you're always trying to fit in and bands are not different.
Jeff: There are two sorts of musicians. The ones who just wanna be famous and rich, really obsessed people or the ones who play their songs without giving a shit what people care about them. Which sort are you?
Alex: You know it's weird, theres bands that have earned their stripes and made a real mark that hit it big, then there’s the cancer that's killing music, which is anyone else who makes it big and doesn't fall into that category. Sorry for the Fall Out Boy fans, but they all deserve to die...the band not the fans. I think that originality and a desire to want to create something different goes a long way, and that's what we strive for the most in this band. We all come from very different walks of life, and I think that it comes through in the music. It's 4 different guys doing what they want so yeah we all don't give a fuck. We've played shows for packed houses and shows for 4 people. It doesn't matter to us because we're doing what we love to do, and hope to keep on doing in the years to come...But if it takes off I won't stand it's way. I listened to Roxy Music in highschool man, that shit doesn't go over with the "true punks" but I didn't care then and still don't now.

Jeff: Think back in the age of about 13 years, would you have ever thought that you would be like you are now?
Alex: Not at all. I've been very privelaged to play in this band. 13 years ago or a little later than that I was getting weekly kicked out of my first band "The Bruskys." We were pretty horrible and got kicked out of most venues for breaking equipment and generally sucking. I idolized bands like The Adicts and Narcoleptic Youth, and now I've gotten to meet them, hang out with them, and play shows with them. I think I felt things harder when I was younger if that makes any sense. Back then you don't realize it's ok to be different. You don't get that being original and being honest to yourself isn't a bad thing. So i guess staying true pays off. I'm in a great band with my 3 best friends so...there you go.
Jeff: As far as I'm concerned I couldn't live without music! Tell me, what's your biggest influence, idol
and your favorite band.
Alex with Kevin Preston
Alex: Me neither, god we'd go insane. Music and Comedy allow us to look back in ourselves and find things that we both like and hate. It's always a good thing when you can explore your creativity and self image, and I think that music is the key that unlocks that door. Shit, as far as my biggest influence it might as well be The Doors, the worlds first punk band as far as I'm concerned. It goes with the not giving a fuck attitude, real punk to me is when the audience is screaming for Light My Fire and Jim says fuck it and goes into Celebration of the Lizard King. I guess Ii was a smug punk when I was younger because it was The Doors and pretty much any band from the 77 L.A. scene, but before that it was the blues, bands like The Monorchid, Wire, Motorhead, Leftover Crack, World Inferno Friendship Society, I mean I can't really narrow it down, but if I had do it'd be The Doors. As far as an idol, well...Billy Bones is the man who taught us how to rock and roll so probably him. Haha he won't say me as his so skadoosh Bones, now you have to!
Thank alot to Alex, The BillyBones rock!
Check out their Facebook!



Oliver DeVille is the owner of Villa-Productions and works together with lots of famous german artists.

Jeff: Your artists are mostly pop singer, folk music or Ballermann. Be honest is this your favorite music or do you like other genres better?

Oliver: During my teenage years I was addicted to punk music. The fascinating thing is, that punk is  like party music or Mallorca-Style: It contains max. 3-4 chords, simple melodies and text, wich everyone can sing to it, wich not mean that it is easy to make. So the way to party-music is not far.

Jeff: How did you get the name "DeVille"?

Oliver: My first studio was in an old villa near Hannover/Germany wich was used by a radio-station before, therefore I call my company “Villa-Productions”. Deville is a mix of Villa, de Ville (french) and Devil (from wich I try to be far as possible). Meanwhile it advanced to a trademark for some music styles, espaecially german party-music.

Jeff: It's always the same, some artist are either hated or loved! Have you made any experiences yet? Like with people which were bitchin' around because you are famous and succesful?

Oliver: Hate is a sign of succes. You have to work a lot for it. But people are on the wrong way with all this hate...hate is wasting energy for something that doesn’t really satisfy yourself!!!

Jeff: Describe your job in 6 words!
Oliver: Too Much work for little glamour!!!

Jeff: Do you plan anything for the next year like touring through Europe or something?

Oliver: I will concentrate on my studio work more than ever, so I’m not planning travelling for live shows. I prefer making songs for artists, who will spread them all over the world




Ana Moreno and her friend Martha are the East Bay Punk Girls (Supporter and Promoter) from Spain.

Jeff: So I've heard alot about the "East Bay Punk Girls" already, can you tell me, why you founded it and how? Did you have any influences?

Ana: Well, I had an idea of doing something new, something related to East Bay music and the whole scene that involves it, but I wasn't sure about exactly what , so that's when I started to talk with Martha about this, and finally we decided it was a good chance to make people know about East Bay music and spread the word about the legend of the punk scene and influences. We used to have another girl as a graphic designer, but it was a waste of time, and they say tree is not good enough, so 2 is the perfect number.

Jeff: You promote bands which are inspired or are from the East Bay, do you have any current projects like getting those band gigs or so on?

Ana: Lately we interviewed the band Prima Donna, who were on tour with Green Day during 2009-2010 and about current projects, I think we have none right now, even we have to design our website again and change the whole thing due to some issues with the graphic designer in the past, but for the future, we'll try to do something with bands and so on.

Jeff: Do you play oneself in a band or something like that?

Ana: Well, I had something in the past, but wasn't really serious. So currently I'm the manager of a band called Killer Ladies: 4 women + punk rock … You better listen to them!
Jeff: What are your favorite bands?

Ana: My favorite bands are quite involved with East Bay...Green Day is for sure my fav one, and then bands like Rancid or Pinhead Gunpowder...But I also love bands like The Pretty Reckless or Hole, that are not really into the “East Bay scene”... And then I also like dnb haha.
Jeff: Do you have any special plans for the following year?

Ana: Find a job in England a stay there for the summer, and hopefully, go to any gig of a band from East Bay J

Thanks to Ana (and Martha which was too busy that time)!